Saturday, January 16, 2021
"Adnan Oktar... a Muslim televangelist and cult leader... proselytised about religion while scantily clad women bopped robotically beside him."
"He and his followers had connections and influence stretching across the world.... The core female members were called 'kittens' and the men 'lions,' and many were recruited from powerful and wealthy families. The local tabloids loved it: an Islamic 'sex cult' run by Istanbul’s Hugh Hefner with a few Quranic verses thrown in. But, after a trial that has gripped Turkey, Oktar’s organisation... been shown to have committed serious crimes and destroyed the lives of many members. In an 480-page indictment prosecutors laid out charges including sexual abuse, fraud and organised crime that reached deep into Turkey’s elite.... Their message of religious understanding and liberal values resonated with [one woman who escaped the group after 10 years]. In it she found another option to the secularism common in her social class. Soon, the group edged out her old friends and her family. 'They were like best friends around me,' she said. 'I mean, they were taking a lot of care of me. They make you feel like you’re indebted to them, so you want to do something in return. Slowly your reality starts getting distorted. Very slowly, not fast. It’s not like "OK, you joined us, now you can’t go out any more."'"
Cat Moonlight Black Effect Red Penta Oto Custom Adalah cat dasar 2 Komponen yang cepat kering, tahan lama dan daya lekat yang sangat bai...
Cat Moonlight Black Effect Pink Penta Oto Custom diberi nama berdasarkan perubahan warna seperti bunglon berdasarkan lingkungan sekitar....
Cat Moonlight Black Effect Gold Penta Oto Custom Adalah cat dasar 2 Komponen yang cepat kering, tahan lama dan daya lekat yang sangat ba...
Cat Moonblack gold PU
Cat Moonblack gold PU adalah salah satu series yang mengandung partikel kecil seperti crystal yang dan memiliki effect lebih gelap sehing...