Saturday, January 9, 2021

"Pickles has a comfortable relationship with nihilism.... 'I grew up in the punk-rock scene,' he said. 'And Trump was like punk rock. It’s, like, anti-establishment.'"

"He attended the University of Florida, where he was an English major and a liberal. 'I’ve taken basket weaving and read about the Black prison experience,' he said, with a snicker. (In his shop, Fat Enzo’s, murals of Mark Twain and Hunter S. Thompson share wall space with Huey Long.) He explained that after his father died, in 2015, he sought out new male camaraderie. The Proud Boys filled a vacuum. He claims to have joined not because they are a hate group (as designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center) but because 'they were seeking something.' He said, 'I came to the realization that Trump was awesome, and that I had been brainwashed.' From right-wing podcasts and YouTube, he said, he has learned that 'the pandemic is a scam,' and that 'we live in an inverted dictatorship run by the Deep State and globalists.'"  

The headline goes for alliteration: Palm... Proud... Putsch... Pickles... purveyor... punk.

I've written about the word "putsch" before. Do you remember the day it hit the news? It was June 26, 2015, the day the Supreme Court issue its opinion on same sex marriage, Obergefell v. Hodges. I wrote about it here:
Justice Scalia expresses astonishment at "the hubris reflected in today’s judicial Putsch." A "Putsch" is "An attempt to overthrow a government, esp. by violent means; an insurrection or coup d'état." That's the OED. "Hubris" is "o’erweening pride; and pride, we know, goeth before a fall." That's Scalia himself.

I think Scalia capitalized "Putsch" because he intended to write it as a German word and it's capitalized in German. But it's an English word, with, as noted above, an entry in the OED. The New Yorker has it capitalized in the headline and the word does not appear in the body of the article, so I don't know if The New Yorker would go with the Scaliaesque capitalization. As for meaning, "putsch" is correctly used. A synonym for "insurrection" is what the headline writer intended. 

Whether the participants indeed had insurrection in their mind is another matter, to be examined in articles like this, interviewing particular individuals like Pickles about what they thought they were doing and what they were able to gather about what other people had in mind. 

Pickles seems confused and disturbed by the craziness and the out-of-control escalation: "It happened in the moment. There was just so much momentum. We felt compelled to storm the Capitol. There’s nothing rational about it when you’re caught up in something like that."

Remember when Trump — asked to tell the Proud Boys to "stand down" — said "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by"?

ADDED: Here's a Wikipedia article, "Punk Ideologies." Nihilism is on the list along with anarchism, animal rights and veganism, apoliticism, Christianity, conservatism, feminism, Hare Krishna, Islam, liberalism, libertarianism, neo-Nazism, situationism, socialism, and "straight edge." 

Cat Moonblack gold PU

  Cat Moonblack gold PU  adalah salah satu series yang mengandung partikel kecil seperti crystal yang dan memiliki effect lebih gelap sehing...