Thursday, January 14, 2021

Is the impeachment funny?

Karl Marx wrote that history repeats itself, "the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." 

Is the second impeachment funny

My son John has a Facebook post reacting to the impeachment with jokes:
The most impeached president in American history! I wonder if Trump is tired of all this winning… 
Half of all impeachments of an American president have been of Trump!... 
We’re going to have impeachment, like you wouldn’t believe. A lot of people are saying he’s the best president ever at getting impeached. No one had ever heard of impeachment before Trump.
I said, "Is it funny?" 

John said, "Is it funny to turn the tables on the pompously powerful?" and I — copying the humor of "No one had ever heard of impeachment before Trump"* — said, "There are very pompously powerful people on both sides."** 

I don't want to be part of the that's-not-funny crowd, but I do wonder if those who are wielding the power — using the mechanism of government — are themselves clowning. I heard some of yesterday's speechifying, and I detected a lack of sobriety. There's a lot of political theater, and I'm wondering if this show is a farce.

Trump is almost out the door. He's being kicked as he leaves. And there's the prospect of conducting the impeachment trial after he's out of office.*** Farce?


*   Last June, Trump asserted that "nobody had ever heard of" Juneteenth before he made it "very famous."

** Reacting to the violent protests in Charlottesville in April 2017, Trump said there were "very fine people, on both sides."

***  Makes me think of this.

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