"'According to her own website, plaintiff is a psychic who specializes in ‘channeling’ the deceased loved ones of grieving families — for a fee,' the new filing states. It alleges the accuser had not only claimed she had been abducted by aliens, she also purportedly claims that 'she speaks to cats, dogs and other animals — alive and dead — as well as insects and plants.'... [The plaintiff's lawyer said,] 'Some people refer to Bob Dylan as a prophet. People have labels. More than half of Americans believe in psychic phenomena. If you’re going to attack somebody for their beliefs, you’re encroaching upon very dangerous territory.... This is what this country is based on, freedom of beliefs. It shouldn’t divert our attention from the allegations. This case is about the facts.'"
From "Bob Dylan Brands Sex Abuse Lawsuit a ‘Brazen Shakedown’ by Unbalanced ‘Psychic’/'The allegation is false, malicious, reckless and defamatory,' Dylan’s lawyers said in a new response filed in state court in Manhattan" (Rolling Stone).
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