Sunday, March 15, 2020

"Ms. Regan’s 8 p.m. program, 'Trish Regan Primetime,' is “on hiatus until further notice,' Fox Business said..."

"Fox Business attributed the move to 'the demands of the evolving pandemic crisis coverage,' saying it was shifting resources toward daytime coverage of the pandemic and global markets. Both 'Trish Regan Primetime' and its follow-up at 9, 'Kennedy,' will be replaced by general-interest programs. Still, the abrupt removal of Ms. Regan — a reliably pro-Trump personality who has twice interviewed the president — came as right-wing media stars have faced growing scrutiny for commentary that played down fears about the coronavirus and suggested that the illness had been overhyped by President Trump’s critics."

From "Fox Business Benches Trish Regan After Outcry Over Coronavirus Comments/The host of 'Trish Regan Primetime' told viewers this week that concerns about the coronavirus were 'yet another attempt to impeach the president'" (NYT).

I just have one question, and it's not answered in the article: Why did they take down Kennedy? Must Kennedy pay for Trish Regan's sins?

This is the first time I've used my tag "Trump derangement syndrome" to refer to someone who is pro-Trump. Is it unfair? Check out the Regan rant in question:

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  Cat Moonblack gold PU  adalah salah satu series yang mengandung partikel kecil seperti crystal yang dan memiliki effect lebih gelap sehing...