Sunday, July 5, 2020

Bone Soup (Sup Tulang)

Thick soup. Can be served with garlic bread in place of stew or mushroom soup. Adjust ingredients according to the amount of the meat/soup bone

  1. Step 1
  2. 2 kg Soup Bone (see pic)
  3. Enough water to boil the meat
  4. 4 Star Anise
  5. 4 Cardamoms
  6. 4 Cinnamon Sticks
  7. 2-3 tbsp Kurma powder (see pic)
  8. 1 tbsp turmeric powder
  9. 2 big brown/yellow onion
  10. 4 garlic
  11. 2 " ginger
  12. 1 big green chilli
  13. 5 bird eyes chillies (more for extra punch)
  14. 1 tbsp Pepper (finely crushed using mortar & pestle)
  15. 2 sticks carrot - cut
  16. 3 big potatoes - cut into cubes
  17. 1 tbsp rice flour/corn flour
  18. To taste - Chicken Seasoning powder
  19. To taste - salt

Cat Moonblack gold PU

  Cat Moonblack gold PU  adalah salah satu series yang mengandung partikel kecil seperti crystal yang dan memiliki effect lebih gelap sehing...