Sunday, May 3, 2020

"Fourteen? You’re very well endowed for 14!"

An alleged quote, printed in a Law & Crime article with the awkwardly written title "Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14 Years Old by Complimenting Her Breasts."

I say "awkwardly written" because — bad as it would be to say "You’re very well endowed for 14!" — it is speaking to the girl, not to her breasts. And "complimenting" is the wrong word, but if you're going to use it, say "complimenting her," not "complimenting her breasts."

Anyway, enough about the headline writing in Law & Crime. This is another creepy story about Biden and young girls.

ADDED: Law & Crime has updated its article to say the Biden campaign — which "did not originally respond to a request for comment" — calls the allegation “absolutely false” and has provided various documents indicated that Biden did not attend the event where Biden was said to have made the remark.
The new revelations heavily complicate a story originally reported based on seven original sources; six of whom agreed to go on the record and one of whom did not. Despite the evidence from the Biden campaign, Murry and several of her original corroborating sources maintain that she is telling the truth.

“I don’t think Eva would have gotten the person wrong,” Murry’s older sister Jenna Murphy told Law&Crime when asked if her sister had a case of mistaken identity at the dinner that year. “She named him really specifically at the time and saw him several times after and recognized him as the person who made the comment. If anything, maybe she could have confused the date, but I really don’t think she could have gotten the person wrong."

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